Friday, September 30, 2011

Fall 2011 Update

“’Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.’” Matthew 28:19-20

Dear friends and family,
Fall is in full swing and we are taking advantage of the beautiful colors, weather, pumpkin spiced treats and time with loved ones. We continually reflect on our incredible summer spent in intensive discipleship and ministry in Uganda. The relationships we built will last a lifetime and we are still marveling at the work God did in and through us.

One of the highlights from our time in Africa is our friend Apong. He was a boda (motorcycle taxi) driver staged at the corner shop adjacent to our house in Gulu. We quickly became friends and learned of his heartbreaking story. He is apart from his wife and kids due to insufficient funds paid on the dowry for his wife. As a result her parents took her and the young kids from Apong. His wife is also HIV positive, a fact she kept from Apong until they were married. Thankfully his son, Andrew, and daughter, Mercy, are negative for the disease but he had never been tested because he didn’t want to face the inevitable. Two weeks into our trip depression and lies from the enemy had overtaken him and he was ready to end his life and leave this world. Eric and another friend of ours rushed to his company and began praying for him and speaking truth over him. Apong ended up leaving this world that night, though in the most joyous of ways. He gave his life to Christ. Eric was able to continue discipling him and spent a lot of time praying and fasting for him. We saw a man go from desperation to joy in the hope of the Lord. A few weeks after our return home we received a message from Apong. He took an HIV test and was negative! This is just one of the amazing stories that God let us be a part of while we were there.

“Declare His glory among the nations, His marvelous works among all the peoples!”
Psalms 96:3

What’s Next for Us?
Through our DTS it has been confirmed in our hearts that we are to join God in the work he is doing in international missions with YWAM. If you haven’t heard yet, our plan is to go back to Colorado Springs and join staff for the next two years. While there Randi will be involved with the media department to help raise awareness through video. Eric will join the nations teams which oversee the work being done in the nations that our base supports. In addition to our other jobs, both of us will hopefully staff Discipleship Training Schools. Until our return to Colorado we will be in Georgia support raising, spending time with friends and family and preparing ourselves for the move. We will be spending time in both Atlanta and Savannah. In November we will be celebrating Savannah Lynn’s 2nd birthday! Hard to believe she’s two already!

In January we will be taking a School of Strategic Missions to further our missions education. This is designed to equip us with the tools needed to do full-time missions efficiently. We’ll be learning about justice, church planting, communication, Biblical worldview, launching new ministry, globalization and developing communities and more. The school consists of a 3 month lecture phase and an internship lasting anywhere from three months to a full-time stay somewhere in the 10/40 window.

 For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Mark 10:45

The Vision of YWAM Colorado Springs
The focus of the YWAM base in Colorado Springs is to send missionaries into countries in the 10/40 Window, where 2.8 billion people(roughly two-thirds of the world population) have little or no access to the Gospel. The 10/40 Window is made up of North Africa, Middle East, and most of Asia.  The base presently supports 500+ frontline missionaries in these very difficult countries and needs to add to their ranks while expanding the existing work. It’s a huge blessing to be partnering with other people who are responding enthusiastically to God’s call to engage the least reached. One reason that the 10/40 Window is a priority is that only five percent of all church dollars in the U.S. go to world missions, and of this amount only .5 percent are designed for mission to the unreached. Or you can say that from every dollar, less than a penny goes to the places most in need of the name of Jesus Christ.

“’And I, because of their actions and their imaginations, am about to come and gather all nations and tongues, and they will come and see my glory. ... and to the distant islands that have not heard of my fame or seen my glory. They will proclaim my glory among the nations.'" Isaiah 66:18-19

So, we are now preparing for our move to Colorado Springs at the year’s end. We have a lot to do, including getting our support lined up. We’ll need $3,000 a month to make it happen. This includes housing, insurance, food, utilities, car, school fees, traveling etc.

As missionaries we have to raise 100 percent of our living and ministry budget. This makes us entirely dependent on help from people who catch this vision and feel led by God to bless the least reached people. Any monthly gift of any amount is a huge blessing for us and many others. From what comes in, we will be able to support pastors, projects and initiatives in hard to reach places in the 10/40.

We are inviting you to have our ministry be your ministry. Your financial support and prayers make sending us into the world possible. We can’t do it alone. Just as the hand can’t work apart from the body, we can’t work apart from you. And we aren’t asking you to give money to us but to give that money to God and the work He is doing in the Kingdom.

 The share of the man who stayed with the supplies is to be the same as that of him who went down to the battle. All will share alike.” 1 Samuel 30:24

We are so excited for the next season of our lives! Yes, it’s difficult to leave all that we’ve ever known but the calling is worth it; Apong and many others are worth it. We’re grateful for any and all support that allows us to reach the least reached with the healing love of Christ. We cannot do this without you. And, as always, we truly desire your prayers.

Carrying His Name to the ends of the Earth,
   Eric, Randi Lynn & Savannah

Missions Support (Tax deductible)
Online:  select missionary support under donation designated for and enter 545 in the box asking for missionary name.

By mail:
Eric & Randi Johnson or Accounting
PO Box 60579
Colorado Springs, CO 80960
                   Make the check payable to YWAM with 545 in the memo line.