Friday, September 6, 2013

O's Story

O was one of 15 kids in her family. O’s older sister had been married for nine years and when she still hadn’t conceived a child of her own, she began to think about adoption. O’s mother told her to just take O in as her own. When O was six, her brother-in-law began abusing her. It lasted for a year before O went back to her real family. When she was eight one of her brothers began abusing her. This time it lasted for 4 years. She was left feeling lost, broken and confused.

When O was 15 she was raped by a young man in her village. In Thailand if a girl is raped, she is almost always forced to marry her attacker. This was the case for O. They were married and two and half years later, O gave birth to a baby girl. O didn’t know how to love the baby because she had never been shown love. O’s mother told her that her husband was no good and that if O left him, she would take her daughter and raise her. O was so desperate for her mother’s approval, love and affection, she thought she would get it if she listened to her. When the baby was six months old, O left her husband and her family and went to work in a factory in southern Thailand. While there she met a man considerably older than her. They were married and had a son. Her husband died a few years later at the age of 74. O and her son went to live with her family.

In Thai culture it is the youngest, unmarried daughter’s responsibility to provide for much of the rest of the family and certainly for her children. It wasn’t long before O’s mother and sister began pressuring her to go to Pattaya to work in the bars to make money for her family. O didn’t want to go but her sister threatened to send her kids back to her if O wouldn’t go. After three days of crying and contemplating, O moved to Pattaya not fully knowing what to expect. She found a job in a bar but didn’t want to go with the men. She drank whisky every night so that she would get drunk and bear going with them. She had to earn money. It was a miserable time in O’s life.

A man from Germany bar bought O for a “long time”. She was with him for a year and he gave her hope. She thought he loved her. But soon it was apparent that he didn’t care about her children or her family. He was only interested in O. But she still had to earn money. He left, leaving O alone and heartbroken on the streets of Pattaya.

One day some of the Tamar Center staff came into O’s bar and invited her to English class. O went and learned of Tamar’s training programs and decided to be a part of the next one. The course lasted three months and included regular Bible studies in addition to the salon and bakery trades. One week before completion of the program, O accepted Jesus as her Lord and Savior. She then went on to complete a DTS where she was able to forgive those who hurt her, especially her brother-in-law and brother. She found total peace and restoration. God even revealed to her that the attention she was craving from her earthly parents, He would give her. She saw herself laid over with her head in His lap and Him rubbing her head and playing with her hair. He told her she was safe with Him and He would be all she ever needed. He also told her to go back to Pattaya and work with the Tamar Center to help girls just like her.

O has been serving with Tamar for nine years, her children both live with her, now 18 and 13, and she has true joy and the most contagious laugh you’ve ever heard.

O's story is told over and over again by many different girls. Each has their own personal details, but the themes are very much the same. Most have suffered abuse, have children, have been married but those marriages dissolve, are pressured by their families to earn money and are encouraged to go to Pattaya to find that money. 

Pray that the girls would understand their value and the love that God has for them. Pray for FREEDOM!!! That they would be free from the bonds of slavery to money and their family.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Re-attempting this blog business :)

Ok, we have had this blog ever since we began our ministry nearly 3 years ago and I have been horrible at making posts! I feel as if this might be a good season to give it another go. Our family of 4 is currently serving for 4 months in Thailand and I will be recording thoughts, insights from God and adventures here. This is both to share God's glory and for myself to be able to look back on. You are welcome to come along :)