Thursday, April 7, 2011

Home Sweet Colorado!

Hello all! Sorry it's taken us so long to post anything. The past few weeks have been wildly hectic! But we are finally in Colorado Springs ready for this new adventure to begin. Before i tell you more about what we're doing now, i'd like to recap the past month.

Going away/fundraiser: we had a great time at our party. Thanks to everyone who made it out! We raised over $1,000, had some yummy desserts, enjoyed the music played by Eric's uncle Buzz's band and had a time of prayer circles. Rachel (my best friend for anyone who doesn't know) hung out with us throughout the day and we spent a lot of time praying even before the party began for the Spirit to move in our hearts and the hearts of whomever He wanted there. We prayed most earnestly for continued direction and focus on Christ. We felt led to pray for that more so than prayers for finances and protection and safety and all the "typical" trip prayers. All that will come. He has promised us all of those things in His Word and He is faithful. So long as we are seeking Him, those things will take care of themselves.

Commission Service: our church (Town Center Community Church) had a time of commissioning to send us out. Pastor Brent read from Acts 13: 1-3 1 "Now in the church at Antioch there were prophets and teachers: Barnabas, Simeon called Niger, Lucius of Cyrene, Manaen (who had been brought up with Herod the tetrarch) and Saul. 2 While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, “Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.” 3 So after they had fasted and prayed, they placed their hands on them and sent them off." And that's what they did. They gathered around us, prayed and sent us off!

The trip!
We moved out of our house on Thursday, March 31 and stayed with my dad for our last few days in town. We hung out with dear friends and spent time relaxing. We left around 6:30 Tuesday, April 5 and drove to Chattanooga where we ate breakfast with the lovely Niki Davenport at the Bluegrass Grille. Then we just took our time and drove until we reached St. Louis. We got out of the car and visited the Arch. It was way cool. We got a little further west and stopped to sleep for the night. The next morning we had breakfast and hit the road. We finished Missouri and drove a LONG time in Kansas. There wasn't much to see but since it's landscape that we're not used to, it was interesting. Savannah did great the whole way, but when we were still 3-4 hours out of the Springs, she had had enough. We all had but she just expressed it with whining. Unfortunately there weren't any real stops by this point so we prayed for a spirit of calm to fall Proxy-Connection: keep-alive
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her and before long she slept. We got in around 7:45 last night, met some of our school staff, unpacked and organized some and got some really great rest. We checked in today, took a tour and were blown away by the beauty of the mountains that are our view. We have high expectations for what the Lord has in store for us in these upcoming months. We pray for continued guidance and humble/ready hearts. Love you all! More to follow :)

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