Thursday, December 1, 2011

Our Appeal

To our faithful supporters and loving family,

We hope you all are doing well as the season of advent is officially underway and we look forward to Christmas! We would like to get very transparent with you for a moment. The object of this letter is not to ask you for money (enter sigh of relief here!) but it’s to make clear the purpose and intent of our “missions” work. We also hope to shed some light into understanding missions as a whole. Since we started down this road a year ago there have been misunderstandings about who we are, what we do and why we do it. The following are those questions answered. As you read this please have your Bible and read along with our references so you can find our true heart in scripture.

Why Are You At Home and Not In The Field?
            In august we returned from Uganda and a Discipleship Training School. Our work was incredible and life changing. Both to those we worked with and to ourselves. We are using this time to support raise, invest in family, raise awareness and prepare to spend at least the next two years in missions. The next two years of our life we have committed to being full-time missionaries with YWAM. We leave the first of January to head to Colorado Springs, Colorado to the YWAM base.

 Where Do We Seek Guidance?
Our family of three, in partnership with many other individuals (Pastors, family, and friends of Faith), have been praying and continually pray about every step we take. (Proverbs 11:14)  We have come to be missionaries, not blindly, but by the guidance of the Holy Spirit and the teachings of Christ. We have stepped forth in Faith and obedience to answer the call. (Matthew 28:18-20/ Isaiah 6:8/ John 14:26) The easy answer to everything is simply that we want to Glorify God in all that we do. The Word of God is our structure. We aren’t perfect, but we are founded in Christ. (Paul says it perfectly in Philippians 3:12-14) We want to be so based in Scripture that our actions radiate the Glory of God. (Matthew 5:16/ John 8:31-32)

Why Be Missionaries and What Is Your Specific Calling?
We are missionaries because God calls us all to spread the Good News to all nations, and we are honored to go. (Matthew 28:19-20) We follow the Biblical Pauline definition of a missionary, which is to reach those that don’t know of the saving grace of Jesus. (Romans 15:20-22) Paul planted churches where people did not already know Christ. Jesus obviously has compassion on those that are ignored by the world. (Matthew 9:36-38) Indeed let us have compassion for those that are ignored in the world for they too are children of God. Our work focuses at the ignored 10/40 window (North Africa, Middle East, Asia, etc.). Less than a penny of every dollar given to missions is directed toward the 10/40 Window. Yet dollar for dollar and hour for hour, the harvest coming from the 10/40 Window nations outstrips that from the rest of the world 100 to 1. The top 10 countries with the largest “unevangelized population” are located in the 10/40 Window. 85% of the world’s poorest of the poor live in the 10/40 Window. We want to go where no one else is going because that is where Jesus would be.

What About People That Need Jesus In The U.S.?
            We understand that our own community needs help as well as the rest of the world. We believe 100% in helping others in any capacity, anywhere. We are excited when people answer the call to help their community or any other part of the world. Jesus said “make disciples of all nations.” That means our nation too. Believe me, when we aren’t overseas, we are helping our community however we can. It’s not either/or. It’s both/and. We choose to aim our focus at the 10/40 window because that is one of the most helpless areas of the world. Paul enlightens us in Romans 15 that it was his calling not to just stay where he was, but as a “missionary” to go to those that didn’t know of the saving grace of Jesus. The simple fact is that people in the U.S. have way more access to Jesus and organizations that will help them than anywhere else in the world. We have a world view that wants to level that playing field.
You can also look at it this way. Imagine the world has just been in a horrible bus accident. Any professional emergency crew performs triage. Meaning everyone in the accident needs to be attended to, but the most severe cases are treated with more urgency. In regards to the Gospel, most everyone in the U.S. has the opportunity to at least hear enough about Jesus to accept Him or not. Their diagnosis (just in regards to accessibility, not spiritual condition) is, say, a sprained ankle and some scratches. Now a person of the Qashqa’i people in Iran with a population of 1,750,000 is diagnosed with internal bleeding and a left arm that’s severed. Hundreds of them die daily without ever having the opportunity to have heard the name of Jesus. Who would you say is more desperate for immediate help?

Are You Committed?
            YES!!!!!! We understand that people want to make sure that their money and time isn’t going to waste. That’s what it comes down to. Who invests their money with a company that is known for losing money? We get it. That’s why we want you to know that it isn’t just your money that is going into this. Every dime that we have made since deciding to dedicate ourselves to missions is committed to our work. We have even picked up odd jobs here and there as opportunities were presented. Our money has gone before yours in furthering our work.
Often we are asked, “What if you don’t raise enough?” or “What is your Plan B?” We believe with our lives in what we are doing. We will not stop raising money in hope of reaching the unreached because Jesus Christ never stopped reaching for us. If it means we move to Colorado (Where our base is located) and continue to raise money until we have enough, then that’s what we will do. Do we believe that we will act out Plan B? No. We believe that God has, is and will provide for us always as long as we are acting in His will.
We would also like to be transparent and share with you the level of our commitment to Christ. Our dedication to this calling is not to be taken lightly; we have given up everything for this! We are leaving what we have called home for 24 years and selling everything we can’t fit in our car and small u-haul trailer. We are living at the mercy of God and are abandoning our “rights” to a traditional home and the “American Dream” to serve others. Please believe us when we say that we have and are giving up so much, but we’re not asking for your sympathy. We say all of this to make a point. Please don’t think for one moment that our family is in this for our own selfish desires. It is not easy to follow so closely after Christ that it conflicts with the rest of the world. It is very clear to us that Christ comes before all things. We would not walk through so much trouble for anything less than Christ. All of what we have done is SO worth it: that others may know Christ and His love. May His name be exalted above all things! (Matthew 19:20-21/ Matthew 10:37-39/ Philippians 3:7-11/John 3:16-17)

We work very hard for our money. How do you use the money we donate so that we don’t think you’re just getting a free ride?
            “Everything comes from You(God), and we have given You(God) only what comes from Your(Gods) hand.” (1 Chronicles 29:14) The money that is received from our supporters is honored and respected. We try very hard to be good stewards with all money because it is entrusted to us by God. If we misuse any money, we are not only disrespecting those that give generously to us but we are disrespecting and dishonoring God Himself. In addition we never want anyone to give us money that God has not instructed to do so. We want people to realize that money given to us is in actuality God’s money being given back to God and His purposes.
            By being a monthly supporter you are helping us sustain ourselves. We are in ministry, and as many know ministry is not a 9-5 job you can leave. Jesus never stopped working for us so we don’t plan on stopping work when 5 o’clock rolls around. We are required to work 40 hours a week by YWAM but it never stops there. Our work is 24/7. Scripture says that we are to “love our God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength.” And “whoever loses his life for My (Jesus’) sake will find it.” (Mark 12:30-31/ Deut. 6:4-5/ Matthew 10:39) We have given our lives to our work. So yes, let me be clear, you are paying us to change lives, to be missionaries. You do feed us, you do put a shelter over our heads, and you do clothe us. And believe us we aren’t going to Ruth Chris’ Steak House, or shopping at some expensive retail store. We have committed to a life living less, because to us it’s worth it. We know the work we do is worthy of every donation. And you know that we are proud not to live for material possessions but to be living for the Kingdom of God. “But seek first His Kingdom and His Righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” (Matthew 6:33) “But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven…For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (Matthew 6:20-21) “There were no needy persons among them. For from time to time those who owned lands or houses sold them, brought the money from the sales and put it at the apostles’ feet, and it was distributed to anyone as he had need.” (Acts 4:34-35)

            We very much understand that we have to be one with God’s will for this to be “successful” because if it isn’t then we will be fighting against God. “Therefore, in the present case I advise you: Leave these men alone. Let them go. For if their purpose or activity is of human origin, it will fail. But if it is from God, you will not be able to stop these men; you will only find ourselves fighting against God.” Acts 5:38-39 This verse pertains to those for us as well as those against us.

“Missions is not the ultimate goal of the church. Worship is. Missions exist because worship does not. Worship is ultimate…Where there is no worship there is a need for missions.” –John Piper

"All nations you have made will come and worship before you,
O Lord, they will bring glory to your name." Psalm 86:9

Thank you for taking the time to read this and to better understand our hearts and why we’re making this wild leap of faith that so many don’t understand. Remember we couldn’t do what we do without you. Just like a bridge is only as effective as its supports, we too are only able to reach the world in regard to the strength we have in our support.

Please, Please, Please contact us directly with any further questions or comments. This letter is written as one part to a conversation, and we hope and expect to hear from you. We seek to end any miscommunication so if there has been any in this letter we trust that you can bring it to our attention to discuss. We are passionate about this and are excited to discuss anything about the matter with you. We welcome e-mail, Facebook, snail mail, smoke signals and phone calls.
Call Eric at 912. 313.7438 or Randi at 770.851.8953


  1. Dear Eric and Randi Lynn,

    I am sorry to hear that you have/are facing people who do not understand. I know it can be hurtful. I am thankful that the Lord is giving you courage to continue in His calling. Thank you for your transparency and humblesness... we are behind you!!!! We love you and are blessed by your obedience!

  2. Out of honest curiosity, what is your plan for when Savannah is old enough to start attending school?

  3. Thank you, Kassie for that sweet comment! And Brittany, thanks for your question. We will figure out school for Savannah when that time arrives. We don't really know what's ahead 6 months ahead of us, let alone 3 years :) God may call us to be full-time trainers and be stationed in the States somewhere, in that case I would really like to enroll her in public school but we're prepared (I think!) to do home schooling with her if we're overseas or doing a lot of travel. Ultimately we'll do whatever God asks of us and what is best for Savannah.

  4. Gotcha. :) I recently found my calling and work with elementary-aged kids (such an awesome job!) so naturally my first thought was about Savannah's schooling. I think it's so awesome that she is being exposed to so much at an early age. Most people never get the chance to see the world and don't have an understanding of what exactly is going on outside our borders, how much help the rest of the world really does need. Very cool!
