Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Well we have officially been in Colorado for one week and it has been a whirlwind! We are trying to get settled and situated in our one room. I'm not sure the square footage but imagine an empty hotel room and that's what we've got! We were blessed to find a queen sized mattress on craigslist for $20 and the base had an old desk and tv stand with 3 drawers up for grabs that we're using to store mine and Savannah's clothes and Eric's are in stacks on the floor. The desk acts as a desk/kitchen. We've had to get REALLY creative and once we get some extra income, Eric will put his handy man skills to use and build some shelves and such. There have definitely been some frustrating moments but we try to keep it in perspective. We have heat, electricity, running water, plenty of clothes and toys, which is way more than most of the world has. Like the apostle Paul says in Phillipians 4, we are learning to be content in all circumstances. We know what it is to be in need and what it is to have plenty. It's definitely a season of stretching and growth.
  We are very excited for the School of Strategic Missions. We will be learning A LOT of incredible things that will greatly benefit us as our ministry continues. In addition to  lectures, we will be spending 2-3 hours in worship and intercession everyday. We are looking forward to implementing more prayer in our daily lives and for the daily opportunity to be praying for any requests that you may have. What better way to learn and grow than to talk to God Himself.

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