Sunday, May 15, 2011

5 Incredible Weeks of Teaching So Far!

I know i mentioned in the previous blog that DTS is like drinking from a fire hose and it totally is. we have learned so many profound things since day one of class. so much of it is foundational and i can't believe there's so much foundational teaching that hasn't been taught to us in all the years we've been in church. so here are some of the key points that have stood out to us most in the past 5 weeks. hopefully they'll provide you with some encouragement and wisdom. feel free to contact either of us and we'd be happy to get you more info on the lesson and teachings around it!

week 1- The character of God/Father heart of God
*We are created for worship and missions was created so that one day ALL of the world will worship God fully.
*Ephesians 1:17-18  "I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better. I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you"
*Our view of God the Father should come from Jesus' example, not our earthly fathers.
*God is personal, He is Holy, He is Love, He is Merciful and Compassionate, He delights in us

week 2- Godly Rebel/Heart of a Disciple
*The goal of the kingdom is to become childlike. God has many characteristics of a child (ie. He doesn't love us based on our performance or what we look like, He's honest, creative, affectionate, etc)
*We aren't changed from inspecting our sin, but by inspecting Him.
*We are always in God's presence. We don't have to do anything special to get there. We can delight in Him with anything we do.
*Don't judge people by their behavior. Try to see them the way God does. Ask "is my heart too small to swallow up another's problem?"
*No matter the job God gives you, do with excellence. Faithfulness in today's responsibilities brings opportunity.
*Killers of opportunity: 1) bad attitude 2) being in a hurry
*God Is Bigger
*Sometimes we have years of preparation before we reach our destiny. God humbles us to make sure we're ready.
*There are 7 spheres of society (church/religion, home, education, government, arts/entertainment, media, business) The enemy has control over all of these. It's time Christians reclaimed them for the kingdom.
*How to be a Godly rebel: radically, in love. Always submit in attitude, even if not in action.

week 3- the Fear of God
*Joy. No matter what happens in life, God has already spared us from the wost enemies we'll ever face: sin, death & hell. IT IS ENOUGH.
*Peace has authority. It's a strong word. Peace in a circumstance comes from knowing who is in charge. If we have fear, we need to go deeper and trust Him more.
*We can always ask God for more faith. Help me in my unbelief. Mark 9:24
*Holy means set apart. The Bible doesn't say be holy as I am holy. It says "be holy for I am holy" 1 peter 1:16
*God is a communicator so conviction will always be specific. If it's not, that is condemnation and from the enemy.
*4 Greek words for judge: krino- to sentence, condemn, pass judgment upon luke 6:37; dokimazo-to test, to examine 1 cor 11:28; diakrino- to weigh thoroughly each part 1 cor 6:5-6; anakrino- to examine, investigate, ask questions 1 cor 2:15
*the Bible has absolutes and relatives. Most denominations are divided based on relatives. These principles of conscience (or personal convictions) come from culture, upbringing, past areas of sin & bondage or a personal mandate from the Holy Spirit. these are things like language, food, alcohol, women in ministry, how communion is taken, baptism, etc. Absolutes are things like loving God, having no idols, Jesus is the only way to God, not stealing, not lying, not committing adultery, etc.
*Making an absolute a relative is liberalism and trying to make a relative and absolute is legalism.
*Wisdom from above is gentle and loving. James 3:17
*Do the right thing, despite what it costs.
*Sow a thought, reap an action. Sow an action, reap a habit. Sow a habit, reap a character. Sow a character, reap a destiny.
*Physical action has spiritual significance.
*Victory in controlling our speech & words is key to controlling thoughts and actions.
*Sometimes God tells you something so you will pray it into existence.

week 4- Recognizing the voice of God & Intercession
*Stop protecting your kids from God. Sometimes we act like we love our kids more than He does.
*God is always speaking. We should ask what is He saying that i'm not getting?
*What you believe about God is what you believe about everything else.
*Do you live by principles or pressure?
*God is good so silence is good. He has a loving, holy reason for the delay.
*The greater the test of faith, the greater the chance for lasting fruit.
*There are no closed doors for the believer.
*We're rich. We just have a cash flow problem :)
*God places desires in our heart so He can fulfill them.
*Unbelief usually follows disobedience.
*Intercession turns injustice to justice. He is looking for someone to stand in the gap and intercede.

week 5-laying down your rights and personality
   we took the myers-brig personality test this week and discovered insight into ourselves and each other. it was a great excercise and tool so that when we are on outreach and really all throughout life we can appreciate and understand people for who they are. in case anyone was curious, Randi is an ESFJ (extrovert, sensing, feeling, judging) and Eric is an INFP (introvert, intuitive, feeling, perceiving)
*You have to believe you need it before you'll get it.
*Don't give the devil more authority than necessary.
*Every step you take should claim more and more for the Kingdom.
*God gave us different gifts for doing certain things well. Use the gifts! Respect others' gifts.
*Love makes your gifts greater.
* Lay down your rights to: a house, our things (hold them with open hands), to get married, to "own" anything, our culture, a reputation, freedom, the right to be right. Jesus gave up all that and more.

So this is where we are! can't wait to see what the remaining weeks have in store! blessings!

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