Friday, May 6, 2011

Uganda Bound!

Well we've been in Colorado for officially one month and the time has absolutely flown by. i guess that happens though when you're having so much fun and learning so much about the Lord. Someone said that DTS is like drinking from a fire hose, and it's true. We have gotten so much foundational teaching these past 4 weeks that if eric and i didn't look over our notes regularly we'd be way over our heads. But it's incredible and i would love to share in further detail some of the teachings if anyone would like me to. So far we've covered the character/Father heart of God, how to be a Godly rebel/heart of a disciple, the fear of God and recognizing the voice of God/intercessory prayer.
            Last week we prayed about where God wanted us to go on outreach. Our school leaders gave us the four locations the teams would be going: Turkey, Thailand, Nepal and Uganda. We prayed and felt the Lord say very strongly that He wanted us in Uganda. Savannah even got confirmation when she repeatedly picked out the slip of paper that had Uganda written on it. That’s a way cool story we can share at another time. But anyways! On Monday our school staff confirmed that we were supposed to go to Africa so that is where we will be for the final two weeks of our DTS. More details about what specifically we'll be doing in the upcoming blogs!

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