Monday, July 18, 2011

Uganda Update Week 2!

hello all! it's another beautiful day here in Gulu, Uganda! we pray you are all well wherever you may be. we had a wonderful week full of blessings and God moving. on tuesday we went on a prayer walk to some of the villages around the ministry and were able to pray healing over a few older ladies. while none of them did cartwheels down the path, they did say they felt relief and we're confident God will bring full healing.

a few of us went in to a couple of secondary schools (high schools) on wednesday and friday and shared teachings. the school we visited on friday resonded in a powerful way. eric and tom shared their testimonies and randi and jerrica gave a mini sermonette. in the end over 10 people raised their hands in response to giving their lives to Christ and six came up to us afterwards to talk more about it. praise Him! we also had a cool question and answer time and boy did they have questions! it just showed us how very ripe the fields here are for harvest, especially among the younger people. they are about to go on "winter" break but hopefully we'll have more opportunities to partner with this rising generation.

we also began working on support profiles for the kids in soldiers of Christ so you can all be looking forward to viewing those upon our arrival home.

we said goodbye to the schram fam this past thursday and had a goodbye party for them at a local restaurant that we found that has the most amazing pizza and burgers. the owner is from chicago and definitely does honor to good ol' american food :) we were sad to see them go. they were such a blessing to us the entire two weeks they were here but are excited to see how they are able to bless the thai team. but the night wasn't all sad. one of the boda drivers, ping pong, with whom eric and some of the other guys had been building a relationship, gave his life to Christ after much spiritual warfare and prayer. it was such a great experience for all of those involved. eric was excited because ping pong is the first person he's actually helped get saved. Apong (his actual name) has now been joined to the family and discipleship is well under way.

tyler had a cool opportunity presented to him this weekend. a team he plays basketball with invited him to a weekend tournament in kampala. jacob went with him and the two had a great time building relationships with some of the local guys. unfortunately tyler ended up not being able to play. the officials said they needed an official letter from the director of the NBA granting him permission to play. hahaha! they thought tyler was in the NBA. but it was still a nice boys weekend for the two of them.

jake had a visit to the hospital yesterday. nothing serious but he had a staph infection on his leg that the doctors had to clean out and care for. he is much better today and can now say he's been a patient at a hospital. between us, i think he was really excited about it :)

well that's going to do it for us this week! know that we love and miss you all. until next time!
carrying His name in Uganda!
eric & randi

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