Monday, July 25, 2011

Update #3 Comin' at ya!

Hello all from another beautiful day here in Gulu, Uganda! Everyone got to sleep in this morning and we're refreshed and ready to take on another week. In fact as I walked to the cafe today I was overcome with newfound love for the people and beauty in this place. I offered a hello to everyone I passed on foot or bike and was deliberate in my actions to be the hands, feet and smile of Christ to all I met. Can't believe we'll be back in Colorado one month from today!

Last week was filled with ups and downs but the Lord has helped us to overcome all the downs and was glorified in all the ups.

Our team definitely felt spiritually attacked in different ways. The spirits of oppression, doubt and discouragement pressed down on us pretty hard and we all found ourselves wondering why we're here and what good we're doing. Things aren't always as organized as we would like and there are many times that we're left without something tangible to do. I specifically remember waking up one morning and literally feeling the spirit of oppression trying to push me back down. I should have taken it more seriously but seeing as I've never encountered it in this way before, I just brushed it off. But I definitely began to feel its effects this week. I was discouraged about not doing more but couldn't muster up the desire to do anything to change it. I confided in Eric and the team and after a time of some solid intercession, things looked brighter and we were reminded that God is using us in ways that we can't even see. That this trip is His trip and as long as we are open to wherever He calls and leads us, it will be successful. We also remembered that even before we left, we felt a strong call to be interceding the whole time we're here and to not despise small beginnings. So we spent much of the week interceding and had a great worship session at the ministry where the kids came out and joined us during their recess.

Last Monday the stars were brighter than we'd yet seen them and were blown away by the beauty and how vast the sky is. We listened to worship music and marveled at how huge God is.

Tuesday evening a number of us went to the hospital to pray for the patients and Tom ended up assisting in surgery for a stab victim. It was a pretty incredible opportunity for him.

Eric, Jacob and Jake held meetings with Jenny and the rest of the Soldiers of Christ staff in the afternoons and really had a productive time laying out the goals of the ministry and organizing all the necessary logistics.

Saturday we held a fun day at the ministry for all the kids in the community and around 200 kids showed up. Things were chaotic, especially at the goin' fishin' booth where toys were being given out and the balloon animal booth. But the kids had a great time and it was a privilege to love on the children of the King who rarely get opportunities like that. I felt the Lord telling me "all you can do is all you can do." While things may not have gone as smoothly as I would have hoped, the kids delighted in our being there anyway. Our kids had a great time playing with the kids and helping to give out candy and prizes.

I did the teaching on Sunday at church and Eric delievered the sermon. After church The pastor of Soldiers of Christ church went to the burial of his brother and Eric and Tyler went along. Pastor Quinto asked Eric to give the salvation message at the service which was a huge honor for him.

So many on our team have been battling illness or different ailments. Jake has yet another staph infection on his leg but this one is hurting significantly more. Tom spent a few hours in the hospital after feeling dizzy and having an upset stomach and fever. The doctors gave him a round of IVs and after some rest he's feeling much better. Both Savannah and Avalyn are still trying to overcome a pretty severe diaper rash from diarrhea. Savannah also has had a low-grade fever the past 4 days which we are confident is a result from her 2 year molars trying to push through.

Despite the attacks from the enemy and our bouts with physical issues, God is still doing a mighty work though our team. Relationships are being strengthened with the Ugandan people and we're taking every opportunity to be the light of Christ even as we're going about our day to day activities.

Prayer Points
  • Continued health and healing for everyone on our team
  • Continued unity
  • Opportunities for ministry
  • That we would see this outreach through God's eyes
Grandparents Corner
  • Savannah is battling those molars and hasn't been her usual happy self.  :(
  • We have been working on saying ABC
  • She still loves reading books and watching Mickey Mouse as much as ever.
  • The chickens and roosters still bring her an uncanny amount of delight (no, this doesn't mean that you guys can buy her one)
  • She sends all her love, hugs and kisses to you.

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