Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Team Uganda Update #5!

Afoyo from Gulu once more!

Here to bring you the latest happenings on all things team Uganda :) We first of all want to say a BIG thank you again to Kevin and Julie Girton (our school leaders) for their visit from Wednesday to Saturday. They were a breath of fresh air in more ways than one and gave us the perfect amount of encouragement to get us through the final three weeks. It's amazing what some sharing and new insight can do for helping a team realize what all has been accomplished.

Last week we spent a lot of good time at the ministry loving on the kids. I will forever be thankful to my mom, grandma and great grandma for teaching me all those Sunday School songs back in the day :) They have definitely come in handy and the kids love them. It's awesome to hear them walking around and singing them later in the day.

We went to Gulu Army Secondary School again and had a great time of question and answer with the students.

Friday we had a beautiful time of worship and intercession with the Girtons and everyone was definitely lifted. That night we treated the Girtons (and ourselves) to pizza at San Kofa. This time though we were smart and ordered ahead so as we arrived our pizza was ready and we just got to eat without having to chase the kids around while we waited an hour :) Glory!

A lot of the team got hit with a bug of some sort over the weekend (Tyler, Jacob, me & Eric) We had to sit church out and Tyler missed day one of the sports camp with aches, chills and upset stomachs. But thanks to Jesus we're all much better. Which is a good thing because we've started the sports camp this week now that the kids are all on break.

Day one and two have been stellar. We did soccer yesterday and volleyball and soccer today. Things are organized, there's a manageable number of kids and we're able to laugh with them and encourage them with a teaching at the end. We can definitely sense the Lord's favor and anointing in this new ministry.

Prayer Points:

  • Strength and endurance to finish out our final two weeks strong and in God's Will
  • Focus on the tasks at hand.
  • Against the enemy and he may be wanting to throw our way
  • Continued health
  • That the sports camp would continue to run as smoothly as it has been
Grandparent's Corner:
  • Savannah's language skills are increasing by the day. She repeats almost everything we tell her to say, including "Jesus loves you". It's pretty much the sweetest thing ever.
  • She's got her appetite back, at least for the time being. I forgot how much the girl can put down :)
  • Her footing is infinitely better and she isn't falling nearly as much when she runs.
  • She gets cuter each day. Sometimes we can't stand it.
  • She misses you all and is looking forward to lots of time with you when she gets back. She sends her hugs and kisses.
Love and blessings until next week!
Randi Lynn

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