Tuesday, August 2, 2011

4th Update!

Hello all! Well last Tuesday made our halfway mark. Hard to believe! We had a time of evaluation and refocusing. We cleared the air about a lot of things, prayed about how we can be most productive during our last half of the trip and encouraged one another.

We began to see the fruits of our obedience in that even on Wednesday. We felt a renewed sense of excitement and joy as we went about work at the ministry and the rest of the day. Jenny and I made our weekly trip to speak at the Gulu Army Secondary School scripture union and while there had a pretty interesting time to say the least! As the group began singing their worship songs, a girl began convulsing outside while Jenny and I were arriving. We asked the facilitating teacher if we needed to get her some help thinking that she was having a seizure but he said she was in fact possessed. All of my hair stood on end and the teacher had some of the students carry her inside so we could pray for her. I knew we were about to do some warfare. The students continued to sing and pray while Jenny, the teacher and I laid hands on her and prayed. She fought and struggled but in time she was delivered! The teacher got her to say the name of Jesus and led her in a prayer. We rejoiced as we welcomed a new sister to the Kingdom. It was definitely the first time I experienced something like that first hand and it was incredible to see the power of our God move in that way. Jenny went on to give a short message and at the end three more young ladies came forward to receive Christ. What a day!

Thursday was a time of intercession at the ministry and at home. Jake and Tyler offered to stay home with all the kids so we parents could do some uninterrupted and distraction free ministry. They’re really great J That night Tom and Jerrica led two guys that Tom plays soccer with to the Lord. Woot woot!

Friday we had the incredible privilege and opportunity to visit the home of one of the boys who’s a part of Soldiers of Christ. His name is Francis and he is 17. While we were at his village he shared his story as we met his family. When Francis was around ten his parents were both killed in front of him and shortly after he was abducted, both by the LRA. One of his sisters that we met has five children all from being raped at different times by members of the LRA. She now also has HIV. Sometimes it’s easy to forget the horrors that happened here up until four years ago because there are no real outward remnants. But on the rare occasions that people open up about it, we are humbled and heartbroken and remember how important it is to share the love and hope of Jesus. It’s amazing to see Francis and how the Lord has rescued and restored him. It’s only in Him that we have any hope of a future.

Jake left on Friday with a few friends to go to Jinja to see the YWAM base and staff he worked with last time he was in Uganda. On Saturday he had the sweet chance to baptize those friends, including Apong, in the source of the Nile.

Saturday some of the team went to Pastor Quinto’s microfinance group to encourage them in the benefits of being good stewards and to live not just to make money but to be content in the Lord and trust that He is the only thing truly worth living for. Eric, Savannah and I went to town to get a few food things for Savannah and on the walk back we prayed. As Eric was praying the Lord revealed to him what he thought about the tragedy of the LRA and all that happened to the people. Eric wept as he felt God's sadness about the unjust treatment to these beautiful people. I'm so glad we serve a compassionate and personal God. One that cares about and loves us completely.

Once the team joined back together Tom and Jerrica went to a rugby match with some of the guys from the soccer team and the rest of us went to the ministry to be with the kids. We separated the teenagers from the younger kids and Eric and I shared our story with them and then separated them into guys and girls and had a time of question and answers and encouraged and discipled them some. While they didn’t say much in the groups at the time, we were encouraged when some of the kids later said how much they appreciated the session and said the young people here really need that kind of teaching and made us promise that we’d come back next Saturday.

Sunday was church and in the afternoon some of us visited a young girl named Alice who often stops by our house and talks with us. We had an awesome time getting to know her mom, older sister, brother and uncle. We never cease to be amazed at the people’s hospitality and warm nature. We have so enjoyed building relationships. I was even given an Acholi name. It's Lanyero and it means laughter. I was super excited about it :)

Health update:
·         Jake’s leg is improving and there haven’t been any new infections.
·         The girls' diaper rash had greatly improved but Savannah has gotten diarrhea again and the rash is back L
·         Tom went to the hospital a few times last week to have tests run and is supposed to get the results on Tuesday.

Prayer points:
·         Continued prayer for health and healing
·         That our last 18 days of ministry would be given all that we’ve got and that we’re investing where God wants us to invest most.
·         Safe travels for Kevin and Julie as they join us on Tuesday and leave later in the week.
·         That God be glorified and lifted high in the country of Uganda especially among the Acholi people!

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